With Fibromyalgia,
pain is the price you may pay
for almost everything you do.
W hen you have fibromyalgia, you live with chronic widespread pain and
tenderness, which may never really go away. And then there’s the
price you can pay for doing the sim plest chores. The price could be
even m ore pain than you already live with.
There is good news. Cym balta has been approved by the FDA to
manage the pain of fibrom yalgia.
Taking C ym balta ju s t once every day can reduce the level of pain,
so you m ay begin to fu n ctio n be tte r and feel better. C ym balta is
no n -n a rco tic. As w ith any m edicine, in d ivid u a l re su lts m ay vary.
Although the exact way Cymbalta inhibits pain in people is not known, it
is believed to be related to the increase in serotonin and norepinephrine
activity, two naturally occurring substances in the brain and spinal cord.
Visit cym balta.com to learn more.
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